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Click here for more information from the district on the AVID program.


Schwegler is an AVID elementary school. 

AVID Elementary is a component of the AVID College Readiness System and supports AVID's Mission and Vision to provide a model of success for all students that supports the progression from elementary through middle and high school to college and career readiness.

At the core of AVID's mission is the belief that all students can successfully achieve when they are held to high expectations and properly supported. Woven throughout AVID's curriculum and philosophy are the Culturally Relevant Teaching (CRT) practices that help educators build authentic relationships, hold high expectations, empower student voices, engender self-advocacy, respect expereinces, and build on assests. Together, these practices help foster a learning environment that is safe and empowers students to grow intellectually. In addition, all of AVID's curriculum incorporates a wide variety of English Language Learner (ELL) strategies to purposefully support English language acquistion and promote the utilization of academic language in order to develop literacy and ensure college readiness. 

Students and teachers at all grade levels are working on W.I.C.O.R. skills with the goal of refining and advancing their ability to practice these skills independently as they mature.

Click here for an explanation of what W.I.C.O.R. stands for and more details under each skill. 

Here is some information on the AVID binders that are used in the upper grades. Take home folders and other means of communication are used in the primary grades. 

We are working on an implementation plan at each grade level and we will be sharing those plans with parents here once they are completed.