Our Equity Work
It is Hispanic Heritage Month, please see the following resources:
Below is a link to USD 497's Equity work page.
Please view this excellent slide show presentation created for Equity Allies by Ms. Luckett who works for the district.
At Schwegler we have 3 primary groups devoted to our racial equity work. These are P.A.S.S (Partnerships for Academically Successful Students), our building equity team, and Equity Allies. P.A.S.S is our group for our families of color to have a time and space devoted to developing relationships & understanding of how to help our black and brown students achieve success. Our building E-Team is a group of staff dedicated to planning professional learning & events to further our equity work as a building. Equity Allies is a group for Schwegler families to identify and develop an understanding of the equity work at Schwegler and how to better support our students and families of color.
Here you can find an overview of the protocol used when we are having a courageous conversation. It includes the 6 conditions, the 4 agreements and the compass.
As a staff we have attended Beyond Diversity training through the district since 2009. Several staff attend each year. We also have spent time during Professional Development sessions over the last several years discussing and learning about biases, practicing protocol to use with each other and in the classroom as well as looking at our teaching materials, reading materials and signage in our classrooms to make sure they are culturally appropriate and that we are representing all individuals.
Recently, our building equity team worked on a book study with staff utilizing the book by Tiffany Jewell called, This Book is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on how to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do the Work.
Please contact Dr. Comfort or a member of our Building Equity Team if you have questions or would like more resources.