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Please contact or Amy Shellhorn at if you are interested in helping with Marathon Club.  We will run or walk on the back playground or in the gym on Friday mornings from 7:45 until 8:30 am beginning on September 6, 2024 until November. No Marathon Club on Fridays that we are off of school.  Then we will take a break and resume after Spring break- in the spring semester.Thank you to all our volunteers who make it possible to run Marathon Club, especially Kaci Haney. 

Marathon Club means that all students and families are invited to run (or walk) around the cement trail on the edge of the playground during club.  Each participant will have their own scanning card and laps will be tracked. Awards will be given at the end of the semester.  Please feel free to join anytime. 
Please visit our facebook page at for updates and more information.  
If your student is NOT in Boys and Girls Club and has NOT participated before, please fill out a consent form below.
We are so excited to start again this fall.  If you have any questions, please feel free to
e-mail or
Please read the important information below:
Parents must sign the consent form below. Please either print it out & send it back to school with your child, or we will also have forms available at the beginning of marathon club.

The goal of Marathon Club is to provide a sustainable fitness opportunity for Schwegler students and their families.  It encourages kids to challenge themselves to complete the goal of walking or running a mile or more once per week throughout the remainder of the school year.  All mileage is tracked when students attend.  After a student completes a full marathon, they earn a Marathon Club t-shirt, have their name read with the morning announcements, and get their picture posted on a wall in the gym.  In addition to these tangible awards, Marathon Club hopes to:

*Promote lifelong wellness *Provide students a sense of accomplishment * Improve concentration in the classroom * Create a fun, non-competitive atmosphere for all participants.


Information sheet and Consent form for this year