Please contact schweglermarathonclub@gmail.com or Amy Shellhorn at AShellho@usd497.org if you are interested in helping with Marathon Club. We will run or walk on the back playground or in the gym on Friday mornings from 7:45 until 8:30 am beginning on September 6, 2024 until November. No Marathon Club on Fridays that we are off of school. Then we will take a break and resume after Spring break- in the spring semester.Thank you to all our volunteers who make it possible to run Marathon Club, especially Kaci Haney.
The goal of Marathon Club is to provide a sustainable fitness opportunity for Schwegler students and their families. It encourages kids to challenge themselves to complete the goal of walking or running a mile or more once per week throughout the remainder of the school year. All mileage is tracked when students attend. After a student completes a full marathon, they earn a Marathon Club t-shirt, have their name read with the morning announcements, and get their picture posted on a wall in the gym. In addition to these tangible awards, Marathon Club hopes to:
*Promote lifelong wellness *Provide students a sense of accomplishment * Improve concentration in the classroom * Create a fun, non-competitive atmosphere for all participants.
Information sheet and Consent form for this year